Karl Clayton Sluis

Karl Clayton Sluis

Designer and product leader
130 points
All activity
Karl Clayton Sluis
Buying a used car is stressful: Honest Wheels empowers you with in-depth reliability reports about cars, trucks, and SUVs, free VIN lookups, and high-value, low-cost VIN reports that will help you choose your next car with confidence.
Honest Wheels
Research rides with better information at a lower price
Karl Clayton Sluis
What’s inside:
💥 Filling a Need, FAST (MVP)
🤝 AI Products that People Trust
💬 Customer Voice: How to ask the right questions
🔮 Past, Present & Future of Personalization
🤩 Why First Impressions Matter
💡The Psychology of Habit-Forming Products
Product Mindset
Free book on how to get inside your customer’s mind 🤯
Karl Clayton Sluis

HomeSpeed is a Chrome Extension that helps you discover the fastest internet available at your new place 🏠 — just visit a listing on Zillow, Trulia, or Redfin and click!

Discover the fastest internet available for your new place 🏠