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Kaspars Dancis
Solve any product problem with a curated library of ready-to-use examples from industry experts. With Whimsical templates, you can jump-start your first draft and seamlessly connect text and visual context for any type of product documentation.
Whimsical Template Library
Whimsical Template Library
Best-in-class templates, designed for product teams
Kaspars Dancis
Make your workflow faster with Whimsical AI: Text-to-flowchart | Create user flows in seconds | Share process flows with your team | Remove mental blocks and find solutions
Whimsical AI: Text-to-flowchart
Translate ideas into flowcharts in seconds
Kaspars Dancis
Whimsical Mind Maps now offer AI-generated suggestions: * Fresh ideas with a single click * No more mental blocks during brainstorming * Get informed faster than ever before
Whimsical AI for Mind Maps
Level up your mind maps with AI-powered suggestions
Kaspars Dancis
Collaborative documents with built-in flowcharts, wireframes, mind maps, and other visual content.
✔ Document everything in one tool
✔ Beautiful and delightful writing experience
✔ Best in class real-time collaboration
Whimsical Docs
Whimsical Docs
Docs, flowcharts, wireframes, and mind maps in one place
Kaspars Dancis
Fast and beautiful mind maps with real-time collaboration.
✔ Fine-tuned for maximum speed
✔ Intuitive keyboard shortcuts
✔ Intelligent auto-layout
✔ Real-time multiplayer editing
✔ Easily collapsible nodes
Whimsical Mind Maps
Fast & beautiful mind maps with real-time collaboration
Kaspars Dancis

Whimsical Projects is a visual project management tool designed for effective communication.

It's like physical stickies but collaborative and limitless. Great for Kanban, Affinity Mapping, Lean Canvas, Story Mapping etc.

Whimsical Projects
Visual project management using sticky notes
Kaspars Dancis

Lightning fast wireframes with real-time collaboration.

✔ Start wireframing immediately with a rich library of pre-built elements

✔ Collaborate in real-time with unlimited teammates

✔ Search through thousands of vector icons

✔ Create wireframes for any device or screen

✔ Export image files to use in InVision/Marvel

Whimsical Wireframes
Lightning fast wireframing with real-time collaboration.
Kaspars Dancis

Unlock your creativity - Whimsical is the best way to collaborate on your ideas visually. Create beautiful flowcharts and wireframes with speed and ease. Focus on your idea not design, Whimsical will make sure it looks good.

The visual workspace for teams.