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Jyoti Puri
Nib is a simple, elegant and light-weight text editor. Nib is built on top of Prosemirror, a framework for text editor and ReactJS.
Simple, elegant and light-weight text editor.
Jyoti Puri

React Draft Wysiwyg
React Draft Wysiwyg
Out of the box, feature-rich content editing for React
Jyoti Puri
Jyoti Puri
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Cool stuff Max
React Boilerplate 3.0
React Boilerplate 3.0
Offline-first, highly scalable foundation for your next app
Jyoti Puri
DraftJS Plugins
Slack-like emojis, FB-like mentions & stickers for web apps
Jyoti Puri
DraftJS Plugins
DraftJS Plugins
Slack-like emojis, FB-like stickers & mentions for Web Apps
Jyoti Puri
Easy to style React Components with great UX built-in