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Julien Jacques
Generate Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and hillshade Cloud Optimized GeoTIFFs (COGs) for visualization and download based on AWS Terrain Tile data.
Terradactile was created by Sparkgeo. It's currently in alpha. Let us know if you experience any issues.
Generate DEM and hillshade COGs for geospatial development.
Julien Jacques
Built for Slack, Quick Map makes it easy to bring a map into a Slack conversation. The /quick-map slash command uses Mapbox Static Images and Geocoding APIs to convert an address or pair of coordinates into a simple map.
quick-map for Slack
quick-map for Slack
Convert an address or coordinates into a map in Slack.
Julien Jacques

Maptiks is an analytics tool designed to track visitors on a web map application. Track visitor interactions in near real-time, and get metrics on the performance of your map to help make better user experience decisions.

Integrates with all modern web map platforms. We are big supporters of open source maps including Leaflet and Open Layers. Also integrates with Google Maps API and Mango, as well as the Esri Stack.

Analytics for web map applications