Joshwin Greene

Joshwin Greene

Design-minded Mobile/Web App Developer
All activity
Joshwin Greene
Your front porch on the web. It serves as your website, digital garden, portfolio, "now" log, and blogroll.
Front Porch
Front Porch
website, digital garden, portfolio, 'now' log, and blogroll
Joshwin Greene
We're an inclusive group of like-minded forward thinkers that want to effect positive change in the world. We simplify real-life challenges into engaging game concepts - empowering members to unlock their potential, live better lives, and make positive impact.
Co-x3 Family
Co-x3 Family
Your real life RPG for personal growth and positive impact
Joshwin Greene
*The Ultimate Companion App For Notion*
→ Celebrate ANY Win You Can Track In Notion
→ Engage In Party Quests And Slay Dragons With Your Friends
→ Get Motivated By Friendly Competition With Our Community
→ Create Custom Embeddable Components For Notion Pages
Make Work Fun - Gamify Notion Workspaces
Make Work Fun - Gamify Notion Workspaces
Celebrate your wins + unlock multiplayer for personal growth
Joshwin Greene
Quickest nonpartisan voter guide for CA state propositions
Joshwin Greene
Joshwin Greene
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Great tool! This will be useful.
This plugin will tell you why you opened Facebook