Josh Reyes

Josh Reyes

CEO & Co-Founder @ Minke
65 points
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Josh Reyes
Minke is the easiest way to save, earn and invest with DeFi on mobile. You can fund your wallet in 3 clicks with Apple Pay and start earning interest in 3 clicks more. Rates up to 5% per annum, zero gas fees, and non-custodial global availability.
Save and earn in DeFi with a few clicks and zero gas
Josh Reyes
EcommerceSenders is a live dashboard of insights into the email marketing tactics of the most successful online retail brands on Shopify.
Ecommerce Senders
Ecommerce Senders
Live email marketing insights for the top 100 Shopify stores
Josh Reyes
Sendy puts you in control of the emails you recieve and gets you paid for what you read. Earn points for opening emails and cash out for giftcards or crypto. Marketers can quickly grow an audience for their newsletters by rewarding new engaged subscribers.
Read newsletters you love, get paid