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Jörg Rech
PayDevs helps maintainers of open source libraries get paid for their work. We provide a registry for libraries where users have to pay us for access, and we pay maintainers for every user we can measure - just like Spotify for software libraries.
Spotify for Open-Source Software Libraries
Jörg Rech
A categorized list of incidents caused by OSS library projects.

The Goal is to identify and analyze reasons why some OSS maintainers do (un-)intentionally cause problems for the larger software ecosystem and to determine potential solutions.
Awful OSS Incidents
Awful OSS Incidents
A categorized list of incidents in the OSS space
Jörg Rech
We've collected 34 approaches to monetize open-source software in an open github repository. Feel free to use and feedback is welcome!
Awesome OSS Monetization Approaches
A curated list of awesome monetization approaches for OSS