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Jinu Kim
Experience LINER AI’s newest feature, LINER AI for PDF! Chat with your PDF and utilize it to find out about key takeaways, applicable solution in your specific cases, and if PDF is useful even before you read.
The greatest AI tool where PDF becomes personal assistant
Jinu Kim
LINER AI is a search assistant for Google powered by ChatGPT. Experience next-gen search enhanced by References and Search Next. Find the answers based on LINER AI's unique semi-parametric model & trustworthy sources.
A trustworthy ChatGPT search assistant
Jinu Kim
Jinu Kim
left a review
Jinu Kim
The fastest way to the smartest Google Search.
'Picked by LINER' is the most powerful assistant that will take your Google Search to the next level. Do not scan through all results. View only the pages selected by LINER.
Available as browser extensions.
Improved Google Search by LINER
The smartest Google Search assistant powered by highlights
Jinu Kim
Get 1) optimal Search Results and 2) deeply personalized content brought to you on LINER's new home, all while getting the best highlighting experience with our newest feature, 3) tags!
Text version of Pinterest powered by highlights
Jinu Kim
#1 Web & PDF Highlighter for moible and PC.
LINER is a web highlighter that helps you highlight texts on the internet. We help you filter out noisy content, so you can focus on key references. Sometimes you only need one sentence from a 100-page document.
LINER for MS Edge
All-in-one web highlighter for the new MS Edge
Jinu Kim
LINER helps you highlight sentences on the web pages and PDFs across mobile & desktop. You can share highlighted pages instead of sharing the entire article. You can also leave sentence-level feedback on web pages by leaving comments on the highlights itself.
LINER Browser Extension
The all-new highlighter pen for the internet
Jinu Kim

LINER is a web highlighter for mobile and desktop.

Our first official version of the Android app has been released on the Samsung ‘Galaxy Apps’.

*We offer free 3 months of Premium version for users who sign up on the LINER for Samsung.

LINER for Samsung
First official Android app exclusive on Samsung Galaxy Apps
Jinu Kim

LINER is a highlighter pen for the internet. Highlight to collect interesting ideas on the web and mobile.

The best web highlighter just got better
Jinu Kim

LINER In-Site.js makes your website ‘highlight-able’.

Visitors will be able to highlight on your website and share highlighted link with others.

Start making your website ‘highlight-able’!

*LINER Team would like to hear from you what features should be added or what kinds of analytics the owner of the website would want.

Highlighting API made by LINER
Medium-style highlighting API for your website
Jinu Kim
LINER for Firefox
Read, highlight, and share on Firefox
Jinu Kim
LINER for Safari
Medium-style highlighter for Safari