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James Foster
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Hi Product Hunters!
It might seem strange to have a webapp for counting words/characters since this feature is built into most word processors, but actually there are lots of tools (especially online ones) that don't offer word counting as a feature.
I wanted to make the interface as simple as possible. In the near future I plan to add more statistics like reading time, speaking time, and so...

Word Counts
Free online word counter tool

Record your screen from your web browser

Screen Recorded
Make Screen Recordings

James Foster
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I made Screen Recorded because I wanted a screen recorder tool that could be easily used from a web browser without any sign-up or watermarking. All the recording & processing is done entirely in your browser.
For the initial release the functionality is very simple. It can record windows or browser tabs. You can narrate the recording using a microphone as you record, and you can use your...

Screen Recorded
Make Screen Recordings

Temporary Note is a simple notepad.
You don't need an account, notes are not sync'ed to the cloud, and it's intended to be a bit like Windows Notepad, but for any device.
Notes are not transmitted to the server, but may be recorded in your browser history.

Temporary Note
Online notepad for temporary notes

James Foster
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It's not as though there's any shortage of note taking applications these days, but they usually seem to need so much commitment. (pick which one to use, create an account, have your notes cloud synced, etc.)
Back when I used Windows, I would use Notepad to essentially take scrap notes, write to-do lists, write a quick plan, that kind of thing. I don't need or want the notes to last forever, I...

Temporary Note
Online notepad for temporary notes

A fast & easy to use image resizer that works in your browser.

Batch Resizer
The online batch image resizer. Resize images fast!

After seeing that Google disabled the timer in Google Search, I decided to try building a simple timer app.
It's a bit rough around the edges for now, but if Google's timer is really gone, then I'll put some more time into making it look (and sound) better.

Tock Timer
Set a Timer

Read Kana is a website for learning katakana. It relies on loanwords, so no prior knowledge of Japanese is necessary to start learning.
Take a guess & try to remember the characters. Words increasing in complexity are introduced whenever you're doing well.

Read Kana
Learn Katakana from loanwords.

James Foster
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Hi Product Hunt!
I've been trying to start learning some katakana & hiragana recently, in preparation for learning Japanese more seriously.
I found some apps focused quite a lot on the characters in isolation, but I felt that I would like to read some words using the characters I was learning. Going ahead and trying to read a book straight away would be overwhelming, though. So I created...

Read Kana
Learn Katakana from loanwords.

James Foster
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Hi Product Hunters! I would love to hear your feedback on Batch Compress. I'll respond to comments as soon as I see them. :)

Batch Compress
Compress photos in your web browser.

Batch Compress compresses images directly in your web browser. All images are processed on your device; they don't get uploaded or downloaded. There are no limits on how many images you can process at a time, but it may depend on your browser & device.

Batch Compress
Compress photos in your web browser.

AnyCrop is a simple & easy web app for cropping images.
It's free, there's nothing to download, and images are processed entirely on your device.
Credit to Ryunosuke Kikuno for the photo in one of the screenshots. (

Fast, easy & free image cropping online!

James Foster
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Batch Watermark is a spin-off from Bulk Resize Photos (, which previously had a very basic watermarking feature.
It became apparent that the watermarking in Bulk Resize Photos wasn't meeting the needs of most users who were interested in watermarking their photos. I surveyed users about why they wanted to watermark their photos, as well as what functionality they were...

Batch Watermark
Watermark batches of photos.

Batch Watermark allows you to quickly & easily watermark batches of photos. It's free, works inside any modern web browser, and doesn't require any account. Photos are processed on your device and not uploaded to any servers.

Batch Watermark
Watermark batches of photos.

Fast hotel search with free Wi-Fi and minimum standards.

Find the best restaurants and cafes nearby
Online image editing