Jack Harner

Jack Harner

Buy The Grid Gospel Today!
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Jack Harner
Learn CSS Grid TODAY with The Grid Gospel by Jack Harner. Get access to 20+ Pages, Live Code Samples and a printable Cheat Sheet. It won't be long before you're shouting the Gospel of CSS Grid from the rooftops.
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The Grid Gospel - An Intro To CSS Grid
The Grid Gospel - An Intro To CSS Grid
All you need to get started with CSS Grid.
Jack Harner
Jack Harner
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AuxParty is great for sharing music with friends/coworkers as well as discovering new music!
Listen to Spotify & SoundCloud with friends and coworkers
Jack Harner

Material Color Palette Extension is a Chrome/Firefox Extension that allows you to copy the Color Codes from Google's Material Design. You can copy the HEX, #HEX, RGB(), and RGBA() versions of all of the colors with just two clicks.

Material Color Palette Extension
Material Color Palette Extension
Google's Material Design Colors at your fingertips