Ignacio Iglesias Raggio

Ignacio Iglesias Raggio

Co-founder at Brainner.ai
58 points
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Ignacio Iglesias Raggio
Save Time, Hire Faster and Enhance Accuracy: Our AI-driven resume screening tool sorts candidates based on your personalized criteria, saving recruiters and startups founders up to 40 hours of manual work per month in the recruitment process.
Automate resume screening with AI
Ignacio Iglesias Raggio
Congrats on the launch! Will probably be a highly demanded tool by HR areas in companies
Unleash your best mental health: in a no-time & everyday way
Ignacio Iglesias Raggio
Ignacio Iglesias Raggio
started a discussion

Is anyone RECRUITING and interested in helping to test our NEW Resume Screening AI product?

We're looking for anyone who is recruiting to help us test our new product Brainner.ai. Brainner is an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) with an AI-driven resume screening that's set to transform the recruitment process. If you're passionate about innovative HR solutions and want to help us testing and being an early adopter, we'd love to hear from you. Comment below or send me a message to...