Ivan Homola

Ivan Homola

AI Lead Magnets - FoxyApps.com 🦊
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Ivan Homola
Ivan Homola
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Hi @thisiskp_ , I like your startup program! We might apply with FoxyApps 🦊
Who's currently building an AI startup and is in the <$20k MRR range?
Ivan Homola
Tired of manually typing out boring newsletters nobody reads anyway? Want branded & personalized templates that match your content instantly? Newsletter Pilot makes creating gorgeous newsletters EFFORTLESS. Just paste in your blog's link and leave it to AI.
Newsletter Pilot
Say goodbye to tedious newsletter creation
Ivan Homola
Ivan Homola
left a comment
Happy to see you launching new products again! Good luck 💪
Daily Nugts
Daily Nugts
The first dynamic newsletter, tailored for you
Ivan Homola
Struggling with email subject lines? Our AI-powered Subject Line Generator creates options tailored to your message. Choose your tone and even add emojis. If you use Gmail, it seamlessly integrates into your inbox for convenience.
Email Subject Line Generator
Instantly generate catchy email subject lines
Ivan Homola
Ivan Homola
left a comment
I love this! Thanks for giving it away for free :)
Free modular 3D cartoon robots for your next projects
Ivan Homola
Launch on Product Hunt faster and with style! 😻 Our AI-powered tool generates catchy taglines, a creative project description, and an enthusiastic first comment for your campaign. Say goodbye to writer's block and save time crafting compelling texts.
PH Launcher
Level up your product launch game with AI-generated texts
Ivan Homola
Ivan Homola
left a comment
Great update! I like you cover so many use cases now 😎👍
Characterz 3
Characterz 3
The most extensive diverse 3D character library in the world
Ivan Homola
Ivan Homola
left a comment
Great job, folks! I like your UI and a simplicity of your email builder.
Postcards 3
Refresh your email game with an intuitive email builder + AI
Ivan Homola
Ivan Homola
left a comment
Good job! Congrats on your launch 🔥
100+ AI Business Prompts
100+ AI Business Prompts
Ready-to-use AI prompts for marketing, sales, HR & CEOs
Ivan Homola
We encourage prompt writers to create a new generation of AI-powered applications without using any code. Whenever you are a developer or a gardener. We give you the power to create simple apps based on ChatGPT.
Monetize your AI prompts by building Foxy apps
Ivan Homola
Ivan Homola
started a discussion

What markets will AI change the most?

There is a big hype around AI, especially after the release of ChatGPT. They recently released access to new API, and many companies and indie makers are jumping on this train to bring new features into their products. What industry or market will AI have the most significant impact on? p.s. I helped a friend launch AI into the fitness product: MikeAI 💪😎