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Arthur Hwang
Wanted to start a Secret Santa but aren't together for this holidays? No worries! Start a Secret Santa with your friends, family and co-workers today! Assign everyone’s Secret Santa automatically, 100% anonymous gifting, and free shipping.
Secret Santa by Zzan
The best online Secret Santa for gift exchanges
Arthur Hwang
Arthur Hwang
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Congrats on your LAUNCH!
Learn startup and marketing skills with 1-minute videos
Arthur Hwang
Arthur Hwang
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Always love to see a gift related app :)
Cherish each moment & plan gifts for unique people together
Arthur Hwang
Arthur Hwang
started a discussion

What do people do when you have to gift last-minute?

What do people do when they forgot to get a gift for some's birthday and you don't have time to get a gift?
Arthur Hwang
Arthur Hwang
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Cool icons! I love it πŸ₯°
Circum Icons
Circum Icons
Coherent open-source icon library for designers & developers
Arthur Hwang
Send gifts instantly to your friends without asking for their address. Zzan simplified the online gifting process to 3 easy steps: select a gift, purchase and send the gift through any messaging channel of your choice!
Easiest way to send gifts online