Tech & Product with Shashi Kiran

Tech & Product with Shashi Kiran

2x Founder
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Tech & Product with Shashi Kiran

Gdrive or Onedrive or Dropbox

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Tech & Product with Shashi Kiran

Get free website optimisation score with analysis

Google ranks your page on your website health. There is a separate score for web and mobile. Get to know the score and analysis by pasting your website name here or sending a LinkedIn request . I will send detailed analysis report. My LinkedIn
Tech & Product with Shashi Kiran

A/B testing for Marketing

A/B testing has many benefits to a marketing team, depending on what you decide to test. There is a limitless list of items you can test to determine the overall impact on your bottom line. Here are some elements you might decide to test in your email, newsletter campaigns: Subject lines. CTAs. Headers. Titles. Fonts and colors. Product images. Blog graphics. Body copy. Navigation. Opt-in...
Tech & Product with Shashi Kiran

8 steps to dominate SEO for your product

How to build killer SEO. 8 steps to dominate Google Search for your niche: 1. Get Your Website to Run 3x Faster Increased site speed = better SEO and better visitor retention Easily do this by: • Using WP Rocket: a WordPress plugin that optimizes your website • Using Smush: compress all the images on your site 2. Identify Your Keywords Create a keyword research sheet → a list of the...
Tech & Product with Shashi Kiran

Bangalore chapter of PH

How about a meetup of all PH folks residing in Banagalore in March ? This will help us to know better and support each other better
Tech & Product with Shashi Kiran
Day person
Tanya Sharath
Are you a morning person or a night person?
Tanya Sharath
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Tech & Product with Shashi Kiran
For me it should tell ways to increase efficiency
What are your expectations in an EV companion app?
Alexander Nicholas (Sketch)
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