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Matt Webb
Poem/1 tells the time with a brand new poem every minute, every single day, composed by ChatGPT. It’s sometimes profound, and sometimes weird, and very occasionally it fibs about what the actual time is to make a rhyme work. It has a cute e-paper screen.
Poem/1: AI clock
Poem/1: AI clock
Tells the time with a rhyme, every minute
Matt Webb

Beeline Moto is a slick navigation system for motorcyclists, from the makers of Beeline for cyclists, on Kickstarter now

Beeline Moto
Beeline Moto
Smart navigation for motorcycles, made simple
Matt Webb
Ding Smart Doorbell
Ding Smart Doorbell
A beautifully simple smart doorbell
Matt Webb
Little Printer
Little Printer
A delightful web-connected printer that lives in your home.