Furkan Demirturk

Furkan Demirturk

Software Engineer
15 points
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Furkan Demirturk
Furkan Demirturk
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@tycooperaow Thank you so much! :)
Desk Story
Desk Story
Generate fancy page from your desktime stats
Furkan Demirturk
Furkan Demirturk
left a comment
Brilliant idea! I will use it.
The way to rate and review Netflix shows.
Furkan Demirturk
🤓 Do you like sharing your DeskTime profile on your social media? 🤔
👻 You do not have to take screenshot anymore 🎉🎊
👉🏼 Desk Story generates fancy page from your DeskTime stats 😎
👉🏼 You can share them on your social media 😎
Desk Story
Desk Story
Generate fancy page from your desktime stats