Thanh Nguyen (Ethan)

Thanh Nguyen (Ethan)

Introverted initiator @ Hyperquery
89 points
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Thanh Nguyen (Ethan)
Thanh Nguyen (Ethan)
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Will use it to get some food for the soul: Reading, drawing, slow-thinking, meditation, etc. :D
Kabir Haynes
If you had an extra hour a day to be allocated to one specific purpose, how would you use it
Thanh Nguyen (Ethan)
Thanh Nguyen (Ethan)
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Congratulations on the launch. It's great to see another awesome "Hyper tool" :D
Fast, reliable, and affordable open source payments switch
Thanh Nguyen (Ethan)
Hyperquery is the data notebook for teams that enables you to easily build shareable analyses (in SQL or Python).
Data notebook built for speed, visibility, and collaboration