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  • The world's easiest-to-use no-code machine learning platform for predictive analytics, lead scoring, and churn prevention. Build AI models from your data in minutes and bridge the gap between AI and business experts with our data storytelling tool.
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  • Knowledge Base web-widget that allows your clients to find the information they need in the most efficient manner. It has a powerful JS library that will show appropriate articles based on the user's current web page or situation (inactivity,.)
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    Knowledge base web-widget
  • Code to go helps developers learning JavaScript find up to date, accurate and ready to use snippets of JavaScript code for common use cases.
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    Code To Go
  • Notion is an all-in-one workspace that combines note-taking, project management, and task organization. It allows users to create customized databases, documents, and calendars to streamline their personal and professional workflows.
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  • The creative editor plugin enables you to add and interact with HTML5 Canvas inside your Bubble app, use the plugin to draw things, add/edit images, add/edit SVG files, save/load your designs, and export these designs as images exit with
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  • Explain Code App makes code easy to understand. With Explain Code, you can quickly save time on code that's difficult to digest. We empower developers to go from I don't understand the code to this is how it works in under five minutes!
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    Explain Code App
  • Level up your Webflow designer with automation and synchronization. GridUp allows you to automate your recurring tasks in Webflow and speed up your dev time with synchronized and advanced components and automated page building.
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  • Nebo empowers your non-technical teammates to build UI without code. Anyone on your team can now visually assemble your React components into pages for your marketing website or the core product.
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