Debajit Sarkar

Debajit Sarkar

AI | Finance | CyberSecurity
360 points
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Debajit Sarkar
Debajit Sarkar
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Validate 5 ideas using friends or strangers on the street.
Business Marketing with Nika
If you didn't have internet for a whole week, what would you do? 😃
Business Marketing with Nika
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Debajit Sarkar
Debajit Sarkar
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I stay motivated by building a habit around the things that matter to me.
Chiara Schwarz-Weichhart
What gives you the ultimate motivation boost?đŸ”„
Chiara Schwarz-Weichhart
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Debajit Sarkar
Debajit Sarkar
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@arminbro Hello Armin, thanks for your time. Here is the URL.
Armin Broubakarian
Drop your epic product my way, and I'll share my thoughts.
Armin Broubakarian
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