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Get your daily shot of inspiration in just 5 minutes with our daily hand-picked content. Daily color palettes, fonts, branding inspiration, amazing websites, products for designers, inspiration from Instagram, and much much much more, come, join and see it yourself! 💖
Designer Daily Report
Designer Daily Report
Everything about design in 5 minutes
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TheStocks v3 daily curates and categorizes all the products related to designers. New products are being added every day, so you don't need to check several websites to discover what's new on the design field.
TheStocks v3
2100+ daily updating tools for designers
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Showcase of the most inspirational portfolios.
Click on the sunglasses for bonus :)
Portfolio inspiration for designers & developers
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⚡️ Tech News on mobile.⠀
Using the, you can read⠀
Hacker News, Designer News, Product Hunt,⠀
Dribbble, TechCrunch, Reddit, Medium⠀
and many more on a simple interface⠀
on iOS and Android.
The latest designer, developer, and tech news in one place.
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Corona Panel curates the best resources related to Covid-19 Pandemic in 9 different categories.
Corona Panel v2
250+ resources curated for Covid-19 Pandemic
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Corona Reader curates the latest news from popular sources like CNN, Reddit, Reuters, NewYorkPost and many more using @usepanda's backend. Articles can be read without leaving the application. Hope it helps people to get the information they need 🙏
Corona Reader by Panda
Read the latest news and find useful resources about COVID
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Social Media Academy by Buffer
Social Media Academy by Buffer
Up your social media marketing game, one article at a time.
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Color Farm
Color Farm
Daily color inspiration from the popular Dribbble shots