Diego Akel

Diego Akel

doing some devops on the cloud
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Diego Akel
6USD/year to host your CV as the PDF directly, no need to convert anything.
Post your CV Online
Post your CV Online
Easiest way to have a public URL of your CV.
Diego Akel
Diego Akel
left a comment
Will give it a try!
AI IT agent for startups, streamline app & user provisioning
Diego Akel
Diego Akel
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will give it a try!
Make your relationship last forever
Diego Akel
Diego Akel
left a comment
The design is super beautiful!
Habit Method Cards
Habit Method Cards
Proven methods for habits & productivity
Diego Akel
Diego Akel
started a discussion

Why products keep putting videos on PH Launches?

I don't know if there are any open statistics from PH about users from mobile x desktop. But the experience to watch product videos on mobile simply doesn't work. I think the aspect ratio of the videos thumbnail is off, so if there's is a video I already feel something is strange just by entering the products launch. And the mobile experience of clicking a video and having it open in an...
Diego Akel
Diego Akel
left a comment
So useful 😁
Virtual identities to protect your privacy
+1 comment
Diego Akel
Diego Akel
left a comment
great! will give it a try
The best way to talk to your codebase
Diego Akel
Diego Akel
left a comment
Extremely awesome!
Spotify’s AI Voice Translation Pilot
Spotify’s AI Voice Translation Pilot
Listen to your favorite podcasters in your native language
Diego Akel
Diego Akel
left a comment
Congrats Altiam! Both on the steak and on the launch. Wish all the luck
Md Altiam Kabir
Reached 200+ Day Streak & 300 Points 🔥
Md Altiam Kabir
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Diego Akel
Diego Akel
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haha replacing with a hedgehog is the best feature
Hide content across the web and save your sanity
Diego Akel
Diego Akel
left a comment
Great! I'll be using it today to get a Google Workspace subscription
Save $$$ on the best software to grow your business
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