David Dal Busco

David Dal Busco

Freelancer by day | DeckDeckGo by night
49 points
All activity
David Dal Busco
A free and open source plugin to export Figma frames to DeckDeckGo slides.
Designs are exported as webp images and optionally, texts are extracted to make these editable in the editor.
Figma to DeckDeckgo
Figma to DeckDeckgo
Export Figma frames to DeckDeckGo slides.
David Dal Busco
DiscoverWeekly.dev shares each Wednesday the new music playlists made by the developers. Contributions are submitted through pull requests. Code and content are open source.
The playlists made by devs, every Wednesday
David Dal Busco
Tie Tracker is a simple, open source and free time tracking app.
* Work hours tracker
* Export to XLSX timesheets
* Weekly work summary
* Offline data
Available in the App Store, Google Play and as a Progressive Web Apps.
Tie Tracker
Tie Tracker
A simple, open source and free time tracking app ⏱️
David Dal Busco
Web Social Share is an open source Web Component to share urls and content on social networks. It could be integrated in any modern frontend frameworks or even without.
Web Social Share
Web Social Share
A Web Component to share urls and content on social networks
David Dal Busco
An application to browse the internet's biggest collection of open source dog pictures 🐢
I've developed it to experiment Ionic + React for the next Ionic ZΓΌrich Meetup, Thursday 5th December 2019.
An app to browse dog pictures
David Dal Busco
We are launching our new remote control πŸŽ‰
β€‹πŸ“ Speaker notes with Markdown support
🀯 Synchronized content
✨ New user experience
πŸ–– Responsive design for tablets
πŸŒ— Light and dark mode
Start your next presentation with DeckDeckGo πŸš€
Remote Control for DeckDeckGo
Remote Control for DeckDeckGo
The remote controller for your web open source presentations
David Dal Busco
DeckDeckGo is a web open source editor for presentations.
What makes it different πŸ€”?
It publishes every presentations as standalone apps πŸš€
Moreover it includes Tenor & Unsplash, is editable in full screen, has a remote control and is an online feed.
The open source editor for presentations
David Dal Busco
Web Photo Filter is a web component to apply Instagram-like WebGL filters to photos. The component could be integrated in any modern frontend frameworks or even without.
Web Photo Filter
Web Photo Filter
A web component to apply Instagram-like filters to photos