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Rishabh Mehan
Interact with your users in a more efficient way. Get Feedback instantly, and increase your leads.
Make informed decisions with Pollsify.
Also, Embed your Polls and Forms on Medium with Pollsify Cards.
More features are getting added soon.
It's FREE !!
Polls & Forms - Embed on Medium & more
Embed Polls & Signup Forms on Medium, Blog, Website.
Rishabh Mehan

Get Feedback, signup your subscribers, easily decide your next product and more.

Embed your Polls and Forms on Medium with Pollsify Cards

Create a card(Poll or a Signup Form) and embed it in your website, blog or Medium Story.

Works Great!!

Still in BETA

Pollsify - Simple Polls & Signup Forms
Pollsify - Simple Polls & Signup Forms
Create simple polls and sign up forms online