Skirmantas Januškas

Skirmantas Januškas

CEO & Co-founder at DappRadar
38 points
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Skirmantas Januškas

DappRadar lists most popular decentralized ethereum applications (dapps).

Dapps are ranked by DAU (Daily Active Users) and shows the real popularity and usability of the dapp. Want different insights ? Sort dapps by transactions volume or transactions count, everything is possible!

A list of the best decentralised Ethereum applications
Skirmantas Januškas

Basketball Online is a multiplayer basketball game where you can compete with players from all over the world. Unique gameplay and multiplayer features provide amazing competitive feeling, try it out now!

Developed by indie devs, we are waiting for your feedback!

Basketball Shooter Online
Basketball Shooter Online
Competitive multiplayer game for Android smartphones