Damian Sromek

Damian Sromek

Co-founder & CTO @ RealEye.io
25 points
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Damian Sromek
Learn how visitors feel about your website:
- How much do they like your page?
- Whether they understand the offer on your website?
- If they feel your website is trustworthy?
We create those insights based on surveys, eye-tracking and more.
RealEye Feedback
Let 100 Strangers Feedback Your website and get report - 24h
Damian Sromek
The fast & visual way to discover what people see. If you're on laptop/desktop: feel free to try it on yourself: https://www.realeye.io/eyetracker/study/313f6909-dab9-4005-8393-884789b8e282/test
RealEye EyeTracker
RealEye EyeTracker
Use the webcam to discover what people see on your site