Cristina Miquel

Cristina Miquel

doing things @ Manfred
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Cristina Miquel
Cristina Miquel
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The famous Joel Test gets revamped into The David Test: evaluate your company’s talent management

It was August 2000 when "The Joel Test" became viral in the software and computer industries. Joel Spolsky, its author, is none other than the founder of Fog Creek Software, a company credited with the creation of products such as Trello and Glitch, among others, and he is also the co-founder and former CEO of Stack Overflow. In his Test, Joel proposed 12 steps for better software development....
Cristina Miquel
Cristina Miquel
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Congratulations for the launch!
YepCode Recipes
JavaScript snippets to connect any service, database or API
Cristina Miquel
Stack Overflow announced they will discontinue Developer Stories and more than 4 MILLION DEVS will lose their data: jobs, milestones, projects... Or not.

Paste your Dev Story URL and download it as a JSON file. No mail. For free. As simple as that.
StackOverflowgeddon Survival Kit
Save your data from being trashed