Chris Bechtel

Chris Bechtel

Managing Partner, Growth Engine Labs
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Chris Bechtel
Chatbots talk at you - virtual agents talk with you. With the world’s most sophisticated Natural Language Understanding (NLU), our conversational AI gives a virtual agent the ability to truly understand and correctly respond to any input, in any language.
Boost AI
Boost AI
Enterprise Conversational AI for virtual agents and chatbots
Chris Bechtel
Chris Bechtel
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Based on the classic "snake" arcade game. Can't. Stop. Playing.
Donald Drumpf: The Quest For Big Hands
Donald Drumpf: The Quest For Big Hands
'Snake' that satirizes Trump's 2016 presidential campaign
Chris Bechtel
Donald Drumpf: The Quest For Big Hands
Donald Drumpf: The Quest For Big Hands
'Snake' that satirizes Trump's 2016 presidential campaign