Catherine Yeo

Catherine Yeo

writing code by day, stories by night
32 points
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Catherine Yeo
Catherine Yeo
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So excited to use this, congrats on the launch!
Warp AI
Warp AI
AI, fully integrated with your terminal
Catherine Yeo
Catherine Yeo
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Congrats on the launch Aakash — this is awesome!
Add ⌘ + K to your web apps in minutes
Catherine Yeo
Catherine Yeo
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Congrats on the launch!
The professional network for Gen Z
Catherine Yeo
Catherine Yeo
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Congrats on the launch!
Like TikTok and Goodreads had a podcast baby
Catherine Yeo
Catherine Yeo
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This is awesome, I can't wait to use it @jmistri!
Chrome Theme Studio
Chrome Theme Studio
Easily create a theme for most Chromium-based browsers
Catherine Yeo
Catherine Yeo
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This is great, thank you Ayushi for creating and sharing this resource!
Deferred MBA Guidebook
Deferred MBA Guidebook
A free guidebook for applying to a deferred MBA program
Catherine Yeo
COVID Vaccines Info Guide is your one-stop source to find trusted information on getting COVID-19 vaccines in your state: who's currently eligible, where to sign up, who to call, and more.
Update: we've added a subscribe feature to the site!
COVID Vaccines Info Guide
Find out when & how to get COVID vaccines in your state