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Chris Calmeyn
Fetcher's full-service, recruiting automation platform brings qualified, interested candidates directly to your inbox - fast. Our AI-powered platform learns your company's candidate preferences and then identifies top talent just for you.
Recruiting and candidate sourcing made easy
Chris Calmeyn
Chris Calmeyn
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Accio toilet paper!
Amazon Dash Wand with Alexa
Amazon Dash Wand with Alexa
Say it. Scan it. It's in your cart. The Most Personal Alexa.
Chris Calmeyn

Scout is a virtual assistant for recruiting that discovers & delivers qualified job candidates. Scout finds the best point of contact, enriches profiles, and composes personalized messages that you can send with one click. Scout is built to scale up our customer's recruiting efforts just like they use AWS to handle traffic surges.

Scout + Slack
Scout + Slack
An AI-powered recruiting assistant to find top talent
Chris Calmeyn
Chris Calmeyn
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LaCroix Jet Black
My LaCroix
Create and share your own LaCroix can
Chris Calmeyn
Chris Calmeyn
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Never miss a flight or break a sweat again :)
World's First Motorized, Rideable Luggage
Chris Calmeyn
World's First Motorized, Rideable Luggage
Chris Calmeyn

A recruiting assistant for hiring. Save time & money sourcing qualified candidates. Let Scout find the best talent for your team.

Virtual recruiting assistant that sources top candidates
Chris Calmeyn
Chris Calmeyn
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Skype for Slack
Skype for Slack
Move your slack discussions to a group skype call