Josh Bruce

Josh Bruce

iOS Engineer @ Monzo - Apple Scholar
All activity
Josh Bruce


Crypterval is a SaaS helping to setup recurring buy trades to automatically execute at predefined intervals using your existing exchange. Recurring investment into an asset follows the dollar-cost averaging investment strategy.


πŸ’° Cheaper than Coinbase

😌 Anxiety free automation

πŸ“ˆ Hedge against volatility

πŸ•Ή You’re in control


πŸ€– Recurring crypto trading using your existing exchange
Josh Bruce

Loyalty is the loyalty scheme chatbot. An emoji based chatbot redefining the loyalty scheme . No cards. No apps. Just rewards.

The loyalty scheme chatbot.
Josh Bruce
Crowdcube iOS App 2.0
Crowdcube iOS App 2.0
Version 2.0 of the Crowdcube investment app.
Josh Bruce

Apple or FBI?
Apple or FBI?
The fate of privacy should not be decided by the few.