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EmailThis will remove ads & distractions from the page and send you a beautifully formatted email with just the text and images. You can read the email anytime you like, anywhere you like - on your computer, smartphone or tablet.

It is meant to be a simpler alternative to bookmarking and "read-later" tools like Pocket, Instapaper and Evernote.

EmailThis for Firefox
Turn your email inbox into your reading list.

Found a great article but don't have time to read it now?

EmailThis will remove ads & distractions from the page and send you a beautifully formatted email with just the text and images. You can read the email anytime you like, anywhere you like - on your computer, smartphone or tablet.

Email This
Email This
Send ad-free articles & web pages to your email inbox
Extension Boilerplate
Extension Boilerplate
Build cross browser extensions for Chrome, Firefox & Opera
Typographic Email
Typographic Email
Responsive email template that is optimized for readability.
Email This
Email This
Send ad-free articles & web pages to your email inbox.
Free Bootstrap Theme For Startups & SaaS Applications
Bootstrap Carnival
Bootstrap Carnival
Find the perfect Bootstrap theme for your next project