Berin Soylu

Berin Soylu

Translation, Digital Marketing
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Berin Soylu
Berin Soylu
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Do we have to choose? Both!❤️
Austin Armstrong
Are you a dog lover or cat lover?
Austin Armstrong
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Berin Soylu
Berin Soylu
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Kai's been helping us for a while now :) Good luck!
Kai by Gleap
Kai by Gleap
Meet Kai, Gleap’s AI-driven customer support hero
Berin Soylu
Berin Soylu
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This might be very useful for the people with ADHD like me!
Instant accountability buddies, and groups
Berin Soylu
Berin Soylu
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This can be very useful for students and teachers :) congrats on the launch 🎉
Find foreign books according to your language level
Berin Soylu
Subcap is a mobile app that makes videos readable with auto subtitles. Subcap’s auto-captions maker uses artificial intelligence to generate subtitles in 125 languages and variants. Subtitles can be added in different colors, fonts, or positions.
Add auto-generated subtitles to videos on mobile in minutes
Berin Soylu
Berin Soylu
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I've been using this app for a few years, I love to see everything on the map!
Automatically track your journeys on a stunning map