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Bentley Brayden
Bentley Brayden
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VR sparks curiosity, igniting a passion for learning.
Malachi Reeve
What role do you think virtual reality will play in the future of education and training?
Malachi Reeve
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Bentley Brayden
Bentley Brayden
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International collaboration is essential for meaningful change.
Maddox Latimer
What challenges do you foresee in achieving widespread adoption of renewable energy technologies?
Maddox Latimer
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Bentley Brayden
Bentley Brayden
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What are the implications of advances in artificial intelligence for job automation, unemployment?

What are the implications of advances in artificial intelligence for job automation, unemployment, and retraining?
Bentley Brayden
Bentley Brayden
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Standing amongst giant redwoods inspired me to protect our planet's wonders.
Luke Bryant
What's the most awe-inspiring natural phenomenon you've ever witnessed?
Bentley Brayden
Bentley Brayden
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Remind myself to forgive myself, everyone makes mistakes. It's okay.
Maddox Latimer
If you could have a 30-minute conversation with your younger self, what advice would you give?
Maddox Latimer
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Bentley Brayden
Bentley Brayden
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Cleopatra. History's intriguing queen!
Ayesha Akram
If you could have dinner with any historical figure, who would it be and why?
Bentley Brayden
Bentley Brayden
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Gardening. Nature soothes the soul.
Asher Hendrix
What's a skill or hobby you've always wanted to learn but haven't had the chance to yet?
Asher Hendrix
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Bentley Brayden
Bentley Brayden
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Just finished 'The Queen's Gambit.' It's a masterpiece, both visually and narratively. Highly recommend!
Ameer Gaines
What's the last movie or TV show you watched and really enjoyed?
Bentley Brayden
Bentley Brayden
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The Dark Side of Social Media: Addressing Misinformation and Online Manipulation

In an era dominated by social media, how can technology be leveraged to combat the spread of misinformation, fake news, and online manipulation, and what role do platforms play in promoting responsible digital citizenship?