Bedirhan GUL

Bedirhan GUL

software developer
17 points
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Bedirhan GUL
Check the compatibility of your pages with your design system with motifalign 🥳 🧐 why use motifalign? 🕹️ Consistency Control; motifalign quickly catches design mistakes and discrepancies making sure your pages align, with your design system for fixes.
Check how compatible your pages are with your design system
Bedirhan GUL
Bedirhan GUL
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Congrats :)
Empower developers to create microfrontends and services
Bedirhan GUL
Bedirhan GUL
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Good job !
Connectly: QR Business Card
Connectly: QR Business Card
Share or collect business cards with qr code in your phone.
Bedirhan GUL
Bedirhan GUL
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I want download app but i am not fiend app. Can you help me
The macOS app to get your focus back 🤫