Brian Jordan

Brian Jordan

Software Engineer @
127 points
All activity
Brian Jordan
Gift Genie AI allows you to jot down a description of your gift recipient and get back hyper-personalized gift ideas. Use its rapid-Amazon-search features like Open All in Tabs to rip through the rest of your Christmas gift list before it's too late!
Gift Genie AI
Gift Genie AI
Get gift ideas from your freeform giftee description with AI
Brian Jordan
Tree Style Tabs
Tree Style Tabs
Show your Firefox tabs like a tree.
Brian Jordan
Clone Drone in the Danger Zone
Battle robot gladiators inside an arena
Brian Jordan
Song Exploder: Weezer
Song Exploder: Weezer
Rivers Cuomo explains his process for creating a hit song
Brian Jordan
Minecraft Designer - Hour of Code
Minecraft Designer - Hour of Code
Program animals and other Minecraft creatures.
Brian Jordan
Win cash and skins playing competitive CS:GO
Brian Jordan
Brian Jordan
left a comment
Wow, beautiful art style, love the lighting.
Flame Over
Flame Over
A top down "squirt em-up" action and "Pyroguelike" game
Brian Jordan
The Hawaii Project
The Hawaii Project
Personalized Book Discovery via the leading web tastemakers
Brian Jordan
Florescence Jewelry
Florescence Jewelry
3D-printed jewelry mimicking biomechanics of flower blooming