Azat Mardan

Azat Mardan

Technology Fellow at Capital One
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Azat Mardan

Practical Node.js 2nd Edition is the recently updated version of one of the most popular and the only all-in-one Node.js book full with fixed errata, color print, ECMAScript 6+ and three new chapters. Also, the print is lower than the 1st edition but the page count (and content) is larger.

Practical Node.js 2nd Edition
Practical Node.js 2nd Edition
Building Real-World Scalable Web Apps
Azat Mardan
Node and MongoDB Foundation FREE Course
Node and MongoDB Foundation FREE Course
Intro to Node and MongoDB for Absolute Beginners
Azat Mardan
You Don't Know Node
You Don't Know Node
Quick Intro to 5 Core Node.js Features
Azat Mardan
React Indie Bundle
React Indie Bundle
A bundle of React.js learning: 4 books, 19 hours of video