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    Ayush Narula
    Real time Cryptocurrency ranking and analytics. We aggregate and display ranking and real time analytics of popular cryptocurrencies. We also rank them by RISK to help potential investors and traders
    Real time cryptocurrency ranking and analytics
    Ayush Narula
    Real time price trend chart by Coinow.space .
    Check prices and analyse trends of popular cryptocurrency in real time
    Real time bitcoin price chart
    Ayush Narula
    Ayush Narula
    left a comment
    Great site! Love the design and the ambience. Going to my bookmark
    Lofi Club
    Enjoy hip hop beats to relax or study
    Ayush Narula
    A cat petting worldwide competition, where anybody could join from anywhere to pet the cat. Inspired by Nyan.Cat
    Worldwide tournament of petting the cat
    Ayush Narula
    Ayush Narula
    left a comment
    A meme website of petting the cat, global competition
    Worldwide tournament of petting the cat
    Ayush Narula
    The tool estimates the number of trees that you have to plant in your country to delay global warming (following the Paris Agreement) and reduce earth's temperature rise to 1.5 ā„ƒ by 2030. Reducing number of CO2 emissions-related deaths by 700,000 till 2030
    Save the Secret
    Save the Secret
    How many trees do we have to plant to delay global warming
    Ayush Narula
    Worry Muncher is based on the fact that we have to learn to face the daemon in our head first before we could fight it outside of ourselves.
    It helps you imagine that your worries are no more once the morning sun came up, using a visualization/animation
    Its aim is to help people who have anxiety
    Worry Muncher
    Worry Muncher
    Motivational poster to help people with anxiety
    Ayush Narula
    Visualize raw Tabular data automagically
    Poudle Analytics
    Poudle Analytics
    Visualize raw data automagically