Tarun Agarwal

Tarun Agarwal

CEO at FlowersML
10 points
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Tarun Agarwal
Searcheo helps every page of your website get indexed quickly and automatically.
Get indexed on Google fast
Tarun Agarwal
Unlimited generative AI tools in a single subscription. There will be 16 tools by the end of October and the list will keep growing. Product Hunt users can enjoy 50% off on the already reduced early bird pricing using the code PH50OFF.
AI Tools (Alpha)
AI Tools (Alpha)
50+ AI tools in a single subscription
Tarun Agarwal
Particle 1200 can be used as an AI inference box which sits silently in a corner of your office and streams LLM outputs to your devices. Or it can be used as your personal AI workstation as it gives you all the power to test the latest LLMs.
Particle 1200
Particle 1200
Your personal AI assistant in a box
Tarun Agarwal
Witched is a board for high quality jobs that pay well. No signups. The only job board frequented by 10x developers. Every job listed on Witched must disclose pay. Product Hunt users can post jobs for 90% off.
High quality jobs with disclosed pay