Adrian Vatchinsky

Adrian Vatchinsky

CEO / Co-Founder of Uni
54 points
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Adrian Vatchinsky
Green Screen AI lets you change the background of your pictures to whatever you can think of! Using generative AI, you can place your dog in an alien jungle or turn your cat into a space-cowboy.
Green Screen AI
Green Screen AI
Change the background of any image with AI
Adrian Vatchinsky
Adrian Vatchinsky
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phone, sms, internet browser :)
Raphael S.
If you had to delete all but 3 apps from your phone, which ones would you keep?
Adrian Vatchinsky
Capture & organize everyone’s ideas in an intelligent way and stay on track to make smarter decisions!
Make smarter decisions!
Adrian Vatchinsky
Type ⌘C+A+T to lock the keyboard from lurking cats
Adrian Vatchinsky
Adrian Vatchinsky
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Awesome job putting the app together !
Trigger Finance
Trigger Finance
IFTTT for the stock market
Adrian Vatchinsky
A fun turn-based writing game game over Facebook Messenger