Ashish Bedi

Ashish Bedi

Staff Software Engineer at Writesonic
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Ashish Bedi
Only tool in the market that digs deeper into the web, analyzing 100s of websites to create factually accurate, SEO-optimized articles, along with automated linking and citations. Control the word length from 500 to 5000 words. Ready <5 minutes & 100x cheaper.
AI Article Writer 6.0
AI Article Writer 6.0
Factually accurate articles with citations, up to 5000 words
Ashish Bedi
With Botsonic's GPT Bot Builder, you can create custom GPTs with your branding and trained on your PDFs, documents, and links. Then, seamlessly integrate it with your website, WhatsApp, Slack, FB Messenger, and more -- no coding required.
Botsonic GPT Builder
Botsonic GPT Builder
Create Custom GPTs with your data and embed on your website
Ashish Bedi
GPTRouter is an open source LLM API Gateway that offers a universal API for 30+ LLMs, vision, and image models, with smart fallbacks based on uptime and latency, automatic retries, and streaming. Stay operational even when OpenAI is down.
GPT Router
GPT Router
Avoid OpenAI downtimes - one API for 30+ LLMs