Ankit Shaw

Ankit Shaw

Building efficient learning tools.
7 points
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Ankit Shaw
Master key concepts of machine learning swiftly & enjoyably
A deck of Machine Learning Flashcards that will help you learn and revise fast and efficiently.
If you have started learning machine learning and want some something that help you memorize the concept then this is for you !!
Machine Learning Flashcards Pro
Machine Learning Flashcards Pro
Master key concepts of machine learning like a Pro.
Ankit Shaw
Ankit Shaw
started a discussion

Looking for feedback on our product

Hi Guys, I am here asking for your feedback on our product. We have been looking to make CS learning easy and fun. With so much clutter around, flashcards based active recall techniques are best to memorise concepts. So we ended up creating this cool Machine Learning Flashcards for software engineers and CS university graduates. We are looking to create more such decks on CS concepts. Our...
Ankit Shaw
A deck of Machine Learning Flashcards that will help you learn and revise fast and efficiently.
If you have started learning machine learning and want some something that help you memorize the concept then this is for you !!
Machine Learning Flashcards
Machine Learning Flashcards
Master key concepts of machine learning swiftly & enjoyably