Andy Gent

Andy Gent

Turbocharging design with effortless 3D
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Andy Gent
Andy Gent
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Great idea
Duolingo for cooking
Andy Gent
Andy Gent
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Getting beyond “Wow”!

Interested in your thoughts on how to make a product sticky beyond the initial wow moment. To give it some context our new product is pretty cool and I have literally heard people in early testing go wow! Question is how to go from that to daily use and something ingrained into their work flow ?
Andy Gent
Andy Gent
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Tips on launching a product into a vertical which is quite traditional..

We are launching a product which makes architects (the building design type) more efficient. takes CAD files and instantly renders beautiful 3D experiences. Currently architecture practices either have teams of artist to do this, outsource it, or don’t use 3D. Early conversations have either been super positive with people instantly getting it… or flatly not interested. We are...
Andy Gent
Andy Gent
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Took me ages to respond … I kept putting it off 🤣
Zekiye Nur Kesici
Are you a self-motivated person, or do you procrastinate?
Zekiye Nur Kesici
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