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Ammar Ceker
Moments by Storyly is the latest community engagement solution for mobile apps to empower and retain their communities by turning users into creators. It brings a unique social layer, enabling users to create and share full-screen Stories instantly.
Moments by Storyly
Moments by Storyly
Turn individual users into long-lasting communities
Ammar Ceker
Dreambook is simply a database specially created for your dreams. Without thinking of limitation, save your dreams, analyze them. After you start using Dreambook, with the upcoming features and updates you will have more than you expect from your dreams.
Dream journal, interpreter and tracker
Ammar Ceker
With Bell Pill Reminder you can set up reminders for your medication and leave the rest to us. You can mark your use and track your medication history. Easy to set up and use, designed for all different ages
Bell Care
Smart health reminder, easy to use for all ages
Ammar Ceker
Five Fast Facts about Apple’s anti-competitive behavior
Time to play fair
Time to play fair
Five facts about Apple’s anti-competitive behavior
Ammar Ceker
Turn your Instagram account into an e-commerce site