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Alex Vanderzon
Stools helps to track, categorise and analyse your stools. Each stool is categorised using the Bristol Stool Chart, with additional options for symptoms and notes, and can help to give you an indication of your gut health.
Log your logs.
Alex Vanderzon

Fluency is a simple, easy to use fluency calculator that quickly and accurately measures syllables per minute and the percentage of syllables stuttered. This tool is great for speech pathologists or parents of children with disfluency.

Calculate how fluent you are 🗣️💬
Alex Vanderzon

Have you every wondered where your money goes?

Expense Tracker helps you to track your regular expenses, from your Netflix subscription to your rent, and shows you what those expenses are costing you per day, week, month, and year.

Never wonder where your money goes again 🤓
Alex Vanderzon
Weather Stickers
Weather Stickers
iMessage Weather Stickers
Alex Vanderzon
Alex Vanderzon
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Love the idea! Well done guys.
Talk Turkey
Talk Turkey
Instant message interviews
Alex Vanderzon
Alex Vanderzon
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Anyone got a code they can send my way?
Collect & trade your favorite people on Twitter
Alex Vanderzon
Alex Vanderzon
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Is assist available outside of the US?
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