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Alexis Barreyat
Everyday at a different time, everyone is notified simultaneously to capture and share a Photo in 2 Minutes. Be Real is a new and unique way to discover who your friends really are in their daily life.
Your friends for Real.
Alexis Barreyat
Everyday at a random time, everyone is notified simultaneously to capture and share a Photo in 2 Minutes. A new and unique way to discover who your friends really are in their daily life.
Your friends, for real
Alexis Barreyat
Once a day, everyone receives a notification at the same time. You got 2 minutes to capture a BeReal of what you're doing.
And find out what all your friends are doing and react with RealMoji.
Your friends. For real
Alexis Barreyat
Alexis Barreyat
left a comment
Congrats @carloscosta !
Friend Theory
Connect with your friends' friends
Alexis Barreyat

Hearshot allows you to communicate more efficiently

You’ll be able to send a voice message directly to your friends, which will be automatically played on their phone.

Whether the app is in the background, not even launched or your phone is locked, the hearshot will be delivered and played.

Voice messaging reinvented