Alex Pyzhianov

Alex Pyzhianov

Full Stack Developer
3 points
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Alex Pyzhianov
This Chrome plugin helps you navigate Awesome Lists on GitHub. Instantly preview stars, time of the last update, and language of the repo. Find the hottest projects and sort out the abandoned ones. Looking for a macOS app written in Rust? I got you covered.
Awesome Star Spy
Awesome Star Spy
Quickly evaluate GitHub projects published in Awesome Lists
Alex Pyzhianov
Alex Pyzhianov
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Very nice! Trying it out now. Where do the audio versions of articles come from?
Daily news and top stories, turned into podcasts
Alex Pyzhianov
Alex Pyzhianov
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Very nice! I now want a distributed team to have a reason to use it
Location Finder
Find the optimal location to meet with your remote team
Alex Pyzhianov
Alex Pyzhianov
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Wait, but who funds there overdrafts and what do they get in return?
A crowdfunding site to recoup fees banks have taken from you