VS Code

VS Code

Microsoft Visual Studio Code lets you build and debug apps
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What do people think of VS Code?

The community submitted 265 reviews to tell us what they like about VS Code, what VS Code can do better, and more.
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4.8/5All time (242 reviews)
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265 Reviews
Raanan Avidor (ravidor)
Raanan Avidor (ravidor)
⭐ Top reviewer

Engineering at Pendo Platform

6 reviews
Visual Studio Code is an incredible code editor that provides a productive and seamless coding experience. As a development tool, it offers many functionalities that help developers write better code more efficiently. The code editor is designed to be user-friendly and visually appealing, making navigating and understanding your code easy. One of the greatest benefits of using VS Code is its powerful extensions, allowing developers to customize their editor to fit their needs. These extensions can help with various tasks such as debugging, code analysis, and code formatting, saving time and improving the code's overall quality. Another fantastic feature of VS Code is its ability to work with multiple languages, making it a one-stop shop for developers. The editor supports various programming languages, including Python, Java, and JavaScript. Visual Studio Code is an excellent code editor with advanced functionality, customized configurations, and an incredible user experience. Unsurprisingly, it has become one of the most popular code editors in the world among developers.

Marc Mengler
Let's shift-left end-to-end user testing
15 reviews
the go-to IDE

This aims to provide just the tools a developer needs for a quick code-build-debug cycle and leaves more complex workflows to fuller featured IDEs, such as Visual Studio IDE.

Dong Li
Dong Li
Founding Member & Head of Marketing
5 reviews
Lightweight is the key.

Yaw K
Yaw K

Indie maker

5 reviews
Because of the extensibility by allowing users to install additional plugins. You can also add / change themes, customize settings according to your programming taste and many more.

Alperen Yılmaz


3 reviews
Amazing !!

Abhishek maurya
1 review
It's Osm for beginners who just trying to learn coding


Community & Support

3 reviews
I have enjoyed using it the most!

Jenny Yu
Jenny Yu
Data Saas Marketer
2 reviews
I am actually not a coding person, but I did code for a while. I love VS code for its simple user and aesthetically appealing user interface. Also, it can be well integrated with Jupyter notebook to run DS codes, which are important for me because I mostly write codes for DS. My boyfriend, a prospect software engineer, also enjoys writing codes with VS code.

Md shaun Sarker
12 reviews