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5/5All time (6 reviews)
Recently (0 reviews)6 Reviews
TeamFeedback helped my company to perform a better communication wity my co-workers. Anonymous feedback to me as a CEO is irreplaceable, Also, I love the monthly trivias. Make me sure that everyone is happy and we have it all on the lock. Great app! Thank you TeamFeedback!
Very useful tool, good feedback helps develop team and company.
Wow. Praca z appką pokazała jak duże były braki w komunikacji.
Dzięki niej procesy przyspieszyły oraz stały się mniej krępujące.
Świetna obsługa po obu stronach user/manager.
Polecam małym i dużym firmom.
An innovative app offering insightful and actionable feedback reports, summarized using AI. Filled with recommendations, actions to be taken to get better results in future.
Great and cost-effective discovery among many tools offering feedback gathering features and satisfaction surveys.
Incredible tool facilitating reviews and feedback process within a company. Quickly allowed us to have noticable performance improvements and make decisions based on data collected via the app.
I love this app and want it in my company! It looks it may revolutionize the way companies gather and utilize internal feedbacks by using this new concept of 360-degree feedback feature. Having a tool that allows to gain a well-rounded perspective on team's performance instantly insted of following dull formalites that companies and HR teams used to blindly follow is a game changer. The personalized templates make the feedback process much more efficient and can save time and effort. AI-generated reports that can provide valuable insights and recommendations may relly help companies make informed decisions and boost productivity and engagement. Plus, the comprehensive analytics are a game-changer, giving users a deep understanding of team dynamics. Keeping my fingers crossed for TeamFeedback future gains!