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Farooq (SF Ali) Zafar
Ryan Hoover
Spellar AI

Spellar AI

Personal Speaking CoPilot
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What do people think of Spellar AI?

The community submitted 39 reviews to tell us what they like about Spellar AI, what Spellar AI can do better, and more.
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39 Reviews
Iryna Filatova

Marketing at Lift Bio

1 review
Spellar AI became my magic wand, no less! It generates perfect meeting summaries with action points and a good structure, so I can share them with my team after the call. It isn't a problem anymore to remember what was happening during a meeting a week ago and track progress on 1on1s for example, because I can just export my summaries to Notion and to see what has been discussed. Moreover, the English improvement feature is just a chef's kiss. I don't have much time to get English lessons in person, but Spellar listens and corrects my mistakes, suggests new vocab to learn and use and makes my speech just better and more native. Guys did an incredible job on the tech and design side of things and it's just very pleasant to use!

Speechy is definitely the lifesaver for language learners! This app has truly is a game-changer. It's my trusted companion on my language learning process. The clean and intuitive layout makes it accessible for learners of all levels, whether you're a beginner or an advanced speaker. The key value of this app is undoubtedly its speech analysis feature. It's like having a personal language coach in your pocket! The app meticulously analyzes your speech, pointing out areas for improvement and providing constructive feedback. Thank you guys for a great work!

Ivan Blinov
I’m a Software Engineer in Vancouver
1 review
Hey, I have to say that Speechy is an amazing app. As someone who's always sought ways to overcome the challenges of learning a new language, this AI-driven application is a must-have. It not only polishes my speaking skills but also boosts my confidence to communicate effectively in various situations. The almost instant feedback is truly a game-changer as it really helps you to find and fix your mistakes

Дарина Табала
1 review
Hello! Very cool product, easy to use, clear and simple, I advise everyone to try. A good opportunity to improve your language skills. Good luck guys, you are great!

Katrin Korsunova


1 review
Very good project!!!!!🔥🔥🔥
Zinovii Zubko
thank you Katrin!

Vlas Bashynskyi
Chrome Extension Developer
2 reviews
Very cool app. I don't use the meeting summary feature often, but the grammar suggestions are really handly.

Denys Tsomenko
1 review
Hi! I must say I'm thoroughly impressed with the idea and concept behind it. Speaking from personal experience as a non-native English speaker, one of the initial barriers I faced was the overwhelming fear of making mistakes when communicating. I often found myself overthinking each phrase, sometimes to the extent that I'd lose my train of thought amidst conversations. Once I overcame this fear, realizing that making mistakes was a part of the learning curve, I began to err on the side of over-communicating, not always paying attention to the clarity of my pronunciation. This sometimes led to misunderstandings or having to repeat myself. I believe Speechy can help me with that and make me sure ensure that people understand me clearly. However, as of now, it seems to cater primarily to MacOS users. Given the potential reach and demand for such a tool, are there any plans to extend support for other platforms? I use a big variety of devices so a web version would be fantastic. Do you consider Android app? It seems to be helpful. So, I can run Speechy on the phone and don't care about suggestions on my screen during live presentation.

Android Dev
1 review
Congratulations on your launch! Looks awesome!

Alina Yan
Alina Yan
Maths student at Charles university
1 review
This is a fantastic product. It builds the study plan which is customized according to your needs which makes it thousands of times more valuable and exciting than giving a speech at an English class. Real-time analysis provides you with immediate feedback, which is extremely useful for the feedback loop of the learning process.

Emma Williams

Content at Headphones Pro Review

1 review
Looks Interesting. All the best!