The best alternatives to Shrink Me are, TinyJPG, and Oka Unarchiver. If these 3 options don't work for you, we've listed over 10 alternatives below.
What do you think of Shrink Me?
Hurree— The smarter, simpler way to analyze your data
Reduce Image size by up to 90% by compressing them with latest tech. Bulk Conversion, Works Offline! ⚡ Compress JPG & PNG Images. ⚡ 100% Free & No Conversion Limits. ⚡ Convert your images to WebP. ⚡ Works even when you are Offline.
This page is a “spot the difference” image comparison tool. It allows you to easily compare two images and spot the differences between them.
This tool is built using HTML5, and it’s completely browser-based – you don’t need to download anything. The tool pretty much works in any modern browser. It is also fully retina-aware, so it looks very nice on high-resolution displays.
Imagator lets you privately compress, modify and resize unlimited images quickly and at no cost to you. Your personal pictures should stay personal. No Ads. No Signup. No data leave your machine. is a site for tools to make the internet faster, more accessible, and more expressive. The pattern generator helps you make seamless, unique, royalty-free patterns. You can export as SVG, JPEG, or PNG. It's free forever, no tracking, etc. Enjoy!